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Fleet Wars is a Web3/Blockchain project on the Songbird Network focusing on integrating new levels of innovation of Upgradable NFTs, Gaming and Rewards into a single project. The entire project is fueled by an ERC-20 Token called SEED. Nearly Every action will involve SEED in one way or another, from upgrading NFTs to reducing cooldown Timers. Learn more about the different parts of the project in more detail below.
One of the core pillars of Fleet Wars are upgradable NFTs. The NFTs come in two types, Space Ship NFTs and Upgrade Component NFTs.
The Space Ship NFTs are the primary NFTs that will be required to participate in the various aspects of the Project, from exploring the space game grid to engaging in Battleship-like matches with other players. All NFTs are randomized during the minting process and created at the time of mint. Space Ship NFTs come in 5 sizes (extra small, small, medium, large, extra large), each corresponding to a size of a game piece in the Battleship-like game and dictating how many upgrade slots the Space Ship NFT has. Extra Small ships will take up one cell in the Battleship map and will have 1 upgrade slot. Extra Large ships on the other hand will take up 5 slots in the Battleship map and will have 5 upgrade slots.
Upgrade Component NFTs are additional NFTs that can be minted which contain add on that can be merged onto your Space Ship NFTs. When merged onto a Space Ship NFTs, the Upgrade Component NFTs are burned. However, your Space Ship NFT is upgraded with new art showing the component added to the Space Ship along with additional gameplay features. For example, an Upgrade Component NFT could be a shield generator which upgrades the Space Ship NFT art with the appearance of a forcefield around it. It also gives the Space Ship a damage reduction bonus for energy-based weapons, meaning it takes two shots per slot game piece slot to destroy the ship instead of one. Another example is a Missile Launcher, which gives the ship an additional weapon to use in combat.
Fleet Wars is following the trend of expanding NFTs beyond just Art by adding elements to Gamify the experience. Specifically, two different level of gameplay elements are incorporated into the project. The first is a modified two-player Battleship-like game between users and the second is an exploration game of galactic conquest.
The Battleship Game is similar to the popular board game Battleship with a few twists. It uses a similar 10 x 10 board where you can place your Fleet, but there are some key differences.
1) Games are based on a player’s Fleet instead of having a standardized set of 5 ships. Each Fleet can have between 1 and 3 Ships added to it. The make up of these ships are based on the Space Ship NFTs the player adds to their Fleet. One player can add 3 ships all of size 1 while another adds 3 ships of size 5.
2) The match is not truly “Turn Based” the way a traditional Battleship game is. Being an online game, it may be possible that you create a match with another player who does not come online often. In a true Turn-Based game, you could end up stuck in a never-ending match. To solve this, countdown timers are used instead. Each ship in the match has weapons with their own countdown timers, with smaller ships having faster countdowns for balancing purposes. Since each ship has its own timer, a players turn could result in three shots right away before the opponent responds. Each shot is tracked as a transaction to the blockchain, so only one shot can be taken per turn, even if a player has more than one ship. Additionally, since a countdown time is used, it is possible that one player can defeat a non-responsive player without having to wait for them to react.
3) Upgraded ships add additional strategic considerations. There are many different types of upgrades that are possible to add to the Space Ship NFTs, each with different impacts on the game. The upgrades could be passive or active and some may have upgrades that counter the effects. An energy generator add-on could reduce the countdown timer on energy-based weapons, leading to faster attacks. A Radar system could reveal information about the other player’s game board when shots are fired (reveal information about the cell selected as well as surrounding cells without causing damage to them). A Jamming system could be used to counter the effects of a Radar system. A Missile Launcher can give an additional weapon that causes projectile damage (bypassing shields) but a Missile Interceptor could prevent those missiles from hitting.
4) Different damage types. Every ship will have at least one energy weapon by default, that has a countdown timer directly related to the size of the ship. However, additional weapons can be added to include additional energy weapons or projectile-based weapons. Energy weapons can be countered by a shield, whereas a projectile weapon will bypass the shield. Similarly, an interceptor missile would stop projectile weapons but would not be effective against energy weapons. Energy weapons are unlimited, but projectile weapons (and interceptors) have a limited supply. The supply can be increased with additional upgrades if a player chooses to use one of their upgrade slots for extra weapon storage over another bonus.
The Galactic Exploration Game uses a large, shared map with all of the players at one time. Each player has an icon to represent their fleet as they move one cell at a time. Each move is based on a countdown timer, with some upgrades that can speed up moves or allow the fleet to move two cells instead of one. The trade off of using these types of upgrades is that it will take up a slot that could be used in the player vs player matches. Certain cells will have planets or other space artifacts that generate rewards to whoever claims the cell. Rewards could be SEED emissions, shares of delegation rewards, or new ship / component upgrade NFTs that can be minted for free. When two players are on the same exploration cell, a battleship match starts. The winner stays in the cell and the loser gets sent back to their home base for “repairs.” When a ship is being repaired, a countdown timer starts before the ship can be used in a Fleet again. During this time, if a player has additional Space Ship NFTs, they can swap out the ships in the Fleet to keep playing.
While it is not required as part of the game, players can create informal alliances (not a formal game mechanism) by agreeing not to attack each other or can work cooperatively for as long as they see fit. Alternatively, players can act as pirates and seek out other ships to destroy as they expand their territory. The Grand Strategy considerations are up to the players as they explore the Galactic Grid.
SEED is an ERC20 token that was created as part of the Pixel Plant Project on NFT where the developers first got into building NFTs, ERC20 tokens and blockchain gaming. Rather then create a new ERC20 token specifically for Fleet Wars, the development team want to reward those that have been onboard from the beginning by expanding the use case of SEED token.
SEED can be claimed every day for Free at https://pixelplantgardensgb.netlify.app/harvest if you own a Pixel Plant NFT or an NFT from an eligible partner. If you own a multiplication bonus NFT, the amount of SEED you can claim each day also increases.
SEED can also be earned by participating in games in the Pixel Plant Discord Server or exchanged in supporting Decentralized Exchanges on the Songbird Network.
SEED has many use cases in the Fleet Wars project and is deeply integrated. SEED can be used as an alternative currency to SGB for purchasing some NFTs.
SEED is also used when merging Upgrade Component NFTs to Space Ship NFTs.
SEED can be used as a fuel to reduce cooldown timers.
SEED is required if a player wants to increase the number of Fleets they own, with the cost increasing for each new Fleet created by a user.
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